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What happens to the fat we take in meals? When we eat fat, it is digested and absorbed in our gastrointestinal tract. Some fat is not absorbed and excreted. Fat is one of the three macronutrients of human food, along with carbohydrates and proteins. Fat is a very good source of energy and essential for cell formation and vitamin absorption. It is vital for good health. However, an excess of fat is hazardous for our health. Let us delve into the fate of fat in our body. Digestion of fat:  Lipids are large molecules, and unlike carbohydrates and proteins, they are not soluble in water and do not mix with the watery blood. So, they like to cluster together in large droplets in a liquid surrounding the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive process breaks those large droplets of fat into smaller droplets, and then enzymes digest lipid molecules using enzymes called lipase. In the mouth:  Chewing breaks food into smaller particles and mixes them with saliva. Lingual lipase be

What is parasympathetic nervous system ? Its functions?

© 2021 Google                  What is the Parasympathetic System and its function?  Keywords: Craniosacral outflow| hypothalamus controls| limbic system| third |seventh|nineth| tenth cranial nerve| Edinger Westphal nucleus|Superior|inferior salivary nucleus| pterygopalatine ganglion| esophageal plexus|gastric plexus|   The autonomic nervous system is also known as the vegetative nervous system. It has two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic. 1.      The sympathetic system arises from all thoracic spinal segments to the first two lumbar spinal segments, and sometimes from the third lumbar spinal segment are also involved. Therefore this is also known as thoracolumbar outflow. 2.      The parasympathetic system arises from the brain and sacral spinal segments, S2, S3, and S4. Therefore this is known as craniosacral outflow. Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems usually act opposite to each other. Table of Contents:   Sr. no contents

Know your nervous system| Divisions of CNS|PNS|

                                             Nervous system Keywords: Central nervous system| Peripheral nervous system| Somatic |autonomic |Parasympathetic |Sympathetic| white matter| gray matter |ganglion| nuclei| Bilaterians| The nervous system is a highly complex system that carries information to and from various body parts to the brain and spinal cord. Table of contents: Sr.No                Contents 1. Definition 2. Central nervous system 3. Peripheral nervous system 4. Parasympathetic nervous system 5. Sympathetic nervous system 6. Somatic nervous system 7. Autonomic nervous system 8. Enteric nervous system    This system coordinates sensory information and motor activities from inside and outside the body. The nervous system detects environmental changes in and around t