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Showing posts with the label Carbohydrate digestion| Gastrointestinal


Pulmonary Compliance| Lung Stretchability|Respiratory System

                                                                       With Canva                                 Pulmonary Compliance This article discusses different types of pulmonary compliance and factors regulating pulmonary compliance.   Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Types of compliance  3. Regulation of  compliance  4. Surfactant 5. Links   About'' This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy, recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally. Here, you will find human Physiology and health-rel...

Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate-we must know

© 2021 Google                                 Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate           Keywords: Glycemic index, SGLT-1 secondary active transport,                          symport, GLUT-2., glycosuria.   The gastrointestinal system is a giant and unique food processor.  Many factors affect the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates such as the food matrix and other foods eaten at the same time. Foods that are less cooked or processed are digested more slowly and have a lower glycemic index (GI) than foods that are more cooked or processed. Fiber slows the digestion of carbohydrates. High fiber foods such as whole-grain bread, oats, beans tend to have a lower GI than low fiber foods for example white bread. Fat and protein eaten with carbohydrates help to slow down the dige...