Pulmonary Compliance
This article discusses different types of pulmonary compliance and factors regulating pulmonary compliance.
Table of contents
1. |
Introduction |
2. |
Types of compliance |
3. |
Regulation of compliance |
4. |
Surfactant |
5. |
Links |
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compliance| elasticity |surface tension| trans pulmonary pressure| Transthoracic
pressure| stretchability
Pulmonary compliance measures the lung's ability to stretch and inflate. Simply, it measures the stretchability of the lung or thoracic cavity.
Pulmonary or lung compliance is a
critical measurement in respiratory physiology.
We will know in deatail
What is lung
Is high lung compliance good or
What is the difference between
elasticity and compliance?
Types of Lung Compliance
Lung compliance is of two types:
static and dynamic.
Static lung compliance is the
changes in volume for any given applied pressure and
Dynamic lung compliance of the
lung at any given time during actual lung movement. It is the change in lung
volume due to pressure change when air flows in and out of the lung.
The pressure-volume curve
expresses the relationship between static and dynamic compliances, where the
slope represents the compliance.
The graph at the top of this
section is known as the compliance curve.
The top curve represents expiration airway resistance, and the bottom represents inspiration elastic resistance. The space between the two curves represents the work required to
overcome airway resistance during inspiration and expiration, a phenomenon known
as hysteresis.
The pressure required for
inspiration is greater than the pressure needed for expiration.
When there are more elastic
fibers, compliance is greater.
When surface tension is low,
compliance is greater.
The value of static lung
compliance is always higher than that of dynamic compliance.
Low lung compliance indicates
stiff lungs with high elastic properties, i.e., recoil.
High lung compliance indicates a
pliable lung with low elastic recoil.
Compliance is highest at moderate
lung volume and much lower at high or low volumes.
Lung compliance differs during
phases of respiration. It differs during inspiration and expiration for
identical lung volume.
Factors affecting lung compliance
Lung compliance depends mainly on
1. Lung elasticity 2.Thoracic elasticity, and 3.Surface tension.
Elasticity is due to the presence
of elastin in the connective tissue.
Lung compliance is a change in
volume upon a change in pressure.
Lung (Thoracic
Lung (Thoracic cavity)
The pressure, transpulmonary pressure (TP), is in lung compliance and in thoracic compliance thoracic pressure(TTP).
Lung (Thoracic cavity) compliance
is directly proportional to the changes in volume and inversely proportional to
the changes in pressure.
Compliance increases when lung
volume increases, and compliance decreases when pressure increases.
Lung compliance decreases in
1. Fibrosis, supine position,
ascites, obesity, pulmonary edema, pneumothorax, hydrothorax, chronic
restrictive pathology, severe restrictive pathologies. When lung compliance is
low, extra work is required for normal breathing.
Lung compliance increases in
COPD and emphysema are due to the
loss of alveoli and elastic tissue of the lung.
Degenerative lung tissue disease
makes it harder for the lung to expand and exhale, as few elastic
tissues are present.
Lung volume at any given pressure
during inspiration is less than at any given pressure during expiration.
High lung compliance is due to
poor elastic tissue. Therefore, exhaling air becomes difficult, and extra work
is performed to expel the air from the lungs and to inspire. High compliance lung causes atelectasis.
Surface tension
The internal surface of the
alveolus is covered with a thin layer of fluid that exerts a force that will
collapse it. This force is known as surface tension.
Surfactant secreted from Pneumocyte
II reduces surface tension and prevents alveolar collapse. Surfactant is
essential for lung compliance.
Lung compliance is the central
part of the lung-chest wall system and opposes the outward movement of the
chest wall compliance. The net compliance of the lung chest wall system allows
the lung to achieve functional residual capacity.
What is the meaning of lung
compliance? # Is high lung compliance good or bad?# What is the difference
between elasticity and compliance?#Respiratory system# Pulmonary compliance#
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Eternal links:
Pulmonary compliance - wikidoc.
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