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Pulmonary Surfactant| Pulmonary compliance| Respiration |Physiology

                        Pulmonary Surfactant                                          Introduction Pulmonary surfactant is a surface-active organic complex of phospholipids and proteins. It reduces surface tension, prevents alveoli collapse after expiration, and makes respiration easy and smooth. Surfactant is crucial for life as it prevent atelectasis. About’’ This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy, recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally. Here, you will find human Physiology and health-related topics. This article is intended for all learners and medical care providers. This activity aims for learners to better apply the latest scientific knowledge. Upon completing the article, you will have increased knowledge regar...

Myocardial infarction| Heart attack

         What is Heart Attack|Myocardial Infarction| 

This article discusses aspects of heart attacks. different  used to diagnose pancreatic diseases. Here, learn about the causes ,symptoms risk factors, and more.

Keywordscoronary artery acute myocardial infarctionTroponins T and I- estimation

 ischemia | angina|hyperlipidemia|Diabetic Mellitus|

           Table of contents

         Table of contents















This article is part of my mission to provide trustworthy recent health information to support the general public, patients, and professionals globally.

Here you will find human Physiology, Anatomy, and health-related topics.

                                                   Heart Movements



When the heart's blood supply reduces or stops suddenly, then myocardial ischemia occurs and, if occlusion is prolonged, myocardial infarction will occur. Myocardial infarction is a severe condition; therefore, we must know about MI's cause, risk factors, prevention, and treatment.

cavities of the heart



If a block occurs in any coronary artery or its branch, the blood supply of that area is reduced, causing ischemia in the area of the heart supplied by that artery. If the block is sufficient to occlude the blood supply for a prolonged period, it will cause aseptic necrosis of the myocardium of that area.

 The block starts slowly, causing angina. Finally, the obstruction increases and incapacitates the person.

The block may occur suddenly, causing acute myocardial infarction.


Pathophysiology :

In the case of hyperlipidemia, lipids deposition occurs under endothelial layers of the arteries, which bulges in the arterial lumen, thus reducing the blood supply to that area. 

When the deposition of lipids becomes more, it may cause rupture of the arteries' endothelial layers, causing an acute block.

 An acute block may be due to an embolus.

The leading causes are high cholesterol and triglycerides levels- along with dyslipidemias. Myocardial hypertrophy, arrhythmia




                                     Risk factors


Family history


Age: increases with age

Sex: females often suffer from heart attacks. 

High blood pressure.

Diabetic Mellitus, 


High cholesterol, triglycerides levels-dyslipidemias.

Myocardial hypertrophy, 


Lack of physical activity


Alcohol consumption

Photo from PIXABEY


Myocardial infarction may be without any chest pain. However, especially In old age and diabetic persons, painless or silent myocardial infarction is common.

It may go unrecognized. Usually, it is with acute chest pain with profuse sweating, but breathlessness, vomiting, syncope, and collapse are common presenting symptoms.

The most typical symptom is chest pain or discomfort, extending into the soldier, left arm, back, and neck. 

Shortness of breath, breathlessness, in some cases, this is the only symptom.

Cold sweat, increased or decreased heart rate.

Indigestion,epigastric pain 

Anxiety and fear of death.

Feeling tired

Feeling faint, and 

Nausea, vomiting

Collapse, syncope.



1. Clinical history

2. ECG –will diagnose myocardial infarction as well as the site of the infarction. ST-segment elevation in the leads overlying or facing the infarct area.


Site of myocardial infarction:

Changes in the Lead of ECG:



Site of myocardial  infarction

Changes in the Lead of ECG



I,Avl, V3-5











 Clinical history and ECG are important in spot diagnosis.

Blood test for enzymes and proteins concentrated within the cardiac cells a) CK-MB estimation

         b) Troponins T and I- estimation

         c) LDH- estimation

Increased white cell count (WBC),

Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Increased C-reactive protein (CRP).

3. Echocardiography

4. Chest X-ray

 5. Coronary angiography and angioplasty 


 Lifestyle changes-physical exercises, diet changes –low calorie, low-fat diet.

Reduce obesity and weight.

Control of hypertension and other diseases.

No smoking, no alcohol



Myocardial infarction is a medical emergency, a life-threatening condition, and fatal, but improved treatment can save a life. Therefore urgent hospitalization is essential.

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