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The Complement System: A Decisive System in Body Defence.

   The Complement System: A Decisive System in Body Defence. This article will discuss the complement system's role in the body's defense mechanisms, including its site of origin and mechanism of action. Keywords: cellular immunity| humoral| Mannose-binding lectin (MBL)| Histamine|Body defense system|WBC| Classical Pathway| Lectin Pathway| Properdin or Alternative   P athway Introduction The complement system is crucial in the body's defense against invading pathogens and tumor cells. The complement system is a system of plasma enzymes. The liver synthesizes enzymes of the complement system. It comprises over 30 enzymes circulating in the blood and is responsible for cell killing by humoral and cellular immunity. These enzymes are inactive and become active when stimulated by an antigen-antibody complex or other pathways. When in active form, they work in a sequence of cascade reactions to remove pathogens, kill pathogens, initiate and promote inflammation, an...

Endocrinal |Parathyroid gland | Location | Structure |Hormone| Function|

              Endocrine| Parathyroid gland and hormone   Keywords: Osteoblast|Osteoclast| Parathyroid hormone| Oxyphil| Chief cell| Calcium sodium channel|sodium –potassium channel| Parathyroid hormone|                                                  Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Location 3. Histology 4. Functions Ø    On bone Ø On Kidney Ø On GIT 5. Phosphaturic action   The parathyroid gland is essential for life.  It is a highly vascular tiny gland measuring about 6 mm in length, 3 mm in width, and 2 mm in thickness. Its weight is only 120 mg. It...

Hormones | Adrenal Medulla | Adrenalin | Noradrenalin | Physiology | biology|

© 2021 Google       Adrenal medulla   Adrenal Medulla Keywords: Catecholamines | receptors | alpha | beta | inotropic |chronotropic | bathmotropic |dromotropic | COMT | MAO | VMA | Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Structure Ø Types of location Ø Nerve supply 3. Secretion Ø Hormones Ø Concentration Ø Synthesis Ø Metabolism 4. Functions   Location Adrenal glands or suprarenal glands are present on the superior pole of the Kidneys. There are two adrenal glands, one on the right side and one on the left side. The adrenal gland is divided into the outer adrenal cortex and the inner adrenal medulla. The outer part is the adrenal cortex which consists of three layers 1. Zona glomerulosa 2. Zona fasciculata and 3. Zona reticularis. While the inner part is known as the adrenal medulla, the adrenal cortex consists of 80% mass, while the...

Hormone | endocrinology | Types | mechanism | functions| physiology| biology|

        Hormone | Endocrinology | Types | Mechanism | Functions| Physiology| Biology|           HormonesHORMONES Keywords: Endocrine| Glands| Fate of hormones| Chemical nature| Steroids| Protein, and peptides| Amino acid derivatives| Eicosanoids| Gases| Receptors|      Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Fate of hormones 3.   Chemical nature of hormones Ø Steroids Ø Protein and  peptides Ø Amino acid derivatives Ø Eicosanoids Ø Gases 4. Receptors 5. Mechanism of action 6. Neurohormones 7. Inactivation of hormones   In Greek, the word hormone means 'setting in motion. A hormone is any class of signaling molecules in multicellular organisms, transported by intricate biological processes to distant organs to con...